About Us
Since 1938
Honoring Our Military, Empowering Our Youth, Showcasing Our Region
What was once a modest tradition has blossomed into a week-long extravaganza, where spring, youth, and community spirit converge in a jubilant celebration. As the most expansive and one of the oldest community events in the Inland Northwest, the SLFA offers a platform for all segments of the community to engage.
As a grassroots organization, our events and programs are run 100% by our amazing volunteers. The best part of getting involved with the Spokane Lilac Festival Association is getting to be a part of the support we provide to highlight and showcase the lilac city.
Honoring Our Military
This includes honoring Fairchild Air Force Base and other military personnel in our region. The resplendent annual Armed Forces Torchlight Parade is a mesmerizing procession featuring school bands, cheer and drill teams, regional festivals, community organizations, different cultures, and the proud military units of the Inland Northwest.

Empowering Our Youth
The parades and Lilac Royalty Scholarship & Development Program serve as catalysts for cultural understanding, offering a stage for heritage, cultural perspectives, and values to shine. An avenue for the professional development of area youth, the Lilac Royalty Scholarship & Development Program provides an opportunity for local outstanding young women to be recognized for their achievements and participate in trainings that foster character building, professional skills, and servant leadership, focusing on community service, integrity, professionalism, and teamwork.
Showcasing Our Region
A beacon of regional and international goodwill, the SLFA plays host to neighboring communities and sister city delegations, fostering connections and camaraderie. Businesses rally together, contributing complimentary goods and services, and providing financial support, ensuring the enjoyment of the entire community and its visitors.